Felix Hospital is a renowned healthcare institution, offering comprehensive in and out-patient services with a patient-centric approach. However, the hospital faced challenges in managing their communication systems, leading to decreased productivity and compromised security.
Problem Statement
Lack of a strong and reliable infrastructure to handle high growth rates and patient transactions efficiently.
Communication happens through personal phones, mobile devices, or email, causing decreased productivity and increased handling time.
Difficulty in tracking and managing patient queries, especially during emergencies and night hours.
CloudConnect provided an integrated package including Click2Call, a CPBX system, Audio Conferencing, and a Truecaller-verified Business Caller ID.
Cloud Telephony solutions helped overcome communication challenges in the healthcare business.
Integration of Click2Call with their CRM for a seamless communication process.
Expanded services to offer audio consultations along with video conferencing.
Assigned different virtual numbers for managing various campaigns.
Detailed CDR available for incoming and outgoing calls, improving call analytics.
Enabled seamless inter and intra-department communication through a single number.
Increased productivity and efficiency in handling patient queries and customer transactions.
Improved patient satisfaction with expanded teleconsultation services.
Enhanced communication safety and brand trust with a Truecaller-verified Business Caller ID.
Streamlined communication management system enabling effective tracking and reporting.
Felix Hospital successfully implemented CloudConnect's solutions, transforming its communication infrastructure and achieving higher levels of efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.