Zoho CRM Integration

Guide to integrate CloudConnect with Zoho CRM


CloudConnect’s telephony system makes Zoho CRM more interactive, appealing, and impactful. Our Phonebridge integration adds voice & presents human face behind the CRM.

It originates a call from Zoho CRM & display a pop up as notification for incoming or outgoing calls with caller information. It facilitates to add contacts, add notes/details & also generate analytics for call details. This helps to boost productivity, automate processes & work seamlessly as a Next‐Gen business communication system.

Integrating Zoho CRM with CloudConnect’s Phonebridge helps to get access to click to call functionality where a call can be launched/originated from the CRM itself. A green color call button appears beside contact numbers which can be clicked/dialed to initiate a call & connect. This will also display a popup in the corner with customer details.

For incoming calls, a popup will appear on the CRM. If the caller is an existing customer then it will display pop‐up with details and with a single click customer profile will be displayed. However, for an unknown caller, a lead can be created right away. If an existing customer/lead is calling from another number then it also facilitates to add to existing contact or lead.

Basic Requirements:

1. Zoho CRM administrator account access. 

2. Already have a CloudConnect account, contact our support team on support@cloud‐connect.in to get you started with Zoho Phonebridge Integration.

3. New to CloudConnect, write to us directly on info@cloud‐connect.in and get yourself registered with us.


Once you have active CloudConnect and Zoho CRM account, complete two simple steps to get started:

1. Authorize Zoho Phonebridge Integration in CloudConnect.

2. Associate CloudConnect Extension with Zoho CRM Users.

   Step 1: Authorise Zoho Phonebridge Integration in CloudConnect

  1. Login in to CloudConnect and click on Zoho Menu on the left sidebar (after Billing option).
  2. Click the first sub‐menu Phonebridge Integration.
  3. Select Datacenter, click on Generate Code.




4. Next you need to click on Authorize Me button, this will redirect you to Zoho.

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5. Login with your Zoho CRM administrator account and enter device verification code to complete authorization process.

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6. Add your device verification code received in CloudConnect Phonebridge integration page. Refer to step 4 to get device verification code.

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7. Click on Verify after entering the code. Device verification code has an expiry time of 60 minutes.

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8. On successful verification, click on Accept to access.

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Once you successfully finish step 8, click on Proceed button on CloudConnect system to complete authorization

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9. Next, click on Enable Integration to complete Zoho Phonebridge integration.

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10. You can choose to Disable Integration when you want to temporarily disable the integration. In case you want to create a new integration, click on Delete Integration to permanently remove the existing integration

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Step 2: Associate CloudConnect Extention with Zoho CRM User

1. Click Extension Mapping link on the left side menu bar. Click the Add Extension Mapping with Zoho User button at the top right.

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2. Select Extension, Zoho Username in dropdown. Set status as On to enable the integration status by default.

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Note: Multiple Registration feature to be ‘Disabled’ on the extension chosen for Zoho mapping. In case, one proceeds to use the extension with ‘Multiple Registration’ as enabled then an error message would be displayed


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3. Now click on the Create button to map CloudConnect extension with Zoho user. The mapped extensions can now also see Dial button in Zoho CRM. 

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4. Extension will get call popup in Zoho CRM whenever new call is dialed from Zoho or CloudConnect system (Outgoing)

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5. When your extension receives an incoming call in CloudConnect, an automated popup is also shown in Zoho CRM.

If the caller details are already available in the system, the pop‐up will display the details of the caller & with a single click customer profile will be displayed.

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In case of the Unknown caller whose details will not be available in the system, the pop‐up will display the number of the caller & then it facilitates to create the caller as lead

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Create Lead page takes further details of the unknown caller. There is also a provision to create a custom Lead Source type which can be assigned to the caller.

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In case of agent already on the call & other calls in waiting then multiple pop‐ups will be displayed.

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6. Call Reports: One can also fetch calls reports directly from Zoho apart from CloudConnect portal.

There are two ways, one can go to ‘Leads’ and select the lead for which CDR’s to be checked & another option is to visit ‘Activities’ tab & use call filters to check various reports.

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Call Details & Recording Link: Post the call, call details including call recording link will be
available on the Zoho panel also


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